You can use + and - keyboard buttons as well as up or right and down or left keys to increment or decrement cups quantity.
Water is the most underutilized tool when it comes to your health. From hydrating skin and helping with headaches to giving you an endless supply of energy, simply drinking enough H2O each day can pay off in a big way.
“Proper hydration is key not only to making sure we stay alert and energized, but also to keeping everything functioning in our bodies,” says Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, Nutrition Director at Good Housekeeping Institute. “Most of us need to drink between 8-10 cups (as a general rule of thumb) of water per day — and much more when we factor in heat, sweat, medications, and humidity shifts.”
Yes, remembering to carry — much less sip on — a water bottle throughout the day can feel like a challenge, but drinking enough water is essential for your wellbeing.